512-541-0207 [email protected]

Firmness & Elasticity

Collagen is the lovely protein that makes up approximately 75% of skin and is responsible for keeping it youthful looking and firm. Elastin, another protein-based fiber in your skin is responsible for its ability to stretch and bounce back to its original form.

Collagen loss starts at 18-29 years of age, after 40 you can lose around 1% per year, and at around 80 years collagen synthesis in the body can decrease 75% overall in comparison to that of young adults. Certain variations in genes will result in an increase in the breakdown of existing collagen and less synthesis of new collagen.

These are the genes we look at:
This gene encodes a component of type 1 collagen which is the main collagen found in skin. It is important in maintaining the integrity of the extracellular matrix.
– The G allele of the COL1A1 gene is associated with decreased collagen production.

This gene encodes the matrix metalloproteinase 1 (MMP1) which is an important component in the degr3edation of the extracellular matrix. During skin ageing, there is an upregulation of MMP1 leading to increased breakdown of collagen in the skin.
– The GG (2G) variant is associated with increased collagen breakdown, and therefore increased susceptibility for wrinkling.